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English Oak

English Oak

The wise old English oak holds a special place in our culture, history, and hearts. In England, the oak is a national symbol of strength. Couples were wed under ancient oaks in Oliver Cromwell’s time. Oak is the emblem the Woodland Trust – a key supporter of the Rufus Woods project.

Oak trees support more life than any other native tree species in the UK. Flower and leaf buds of English Oak are the food plants of caterpillars. Even their fallen leaves support biodiversity. The soft leaves break down with ease in autumn and form a rich leaf mould beneath the tree, supporting invertebrates such as the stag beetle, and fungi, like the oakbug milkcap. Holes and crevices in the tree bark become homes for birds and bats. The strength and durability of Oak makes it a great material for ships and buildings. Oak timber frame construction is a beautiful and impressive sight.

Quantity available: 25
£95.00 Add to Cart